During the semester, these are the standard office hours times:
- Monday – Wednesday: 18.00-19.00
- Thursday – Friday: 13.00-14.00
3. What can I borrow from the UCSA?
The UCSA has a large amount of items that are free to borrow for all UCSA members. The most valuable ones are listed on the inventory list, which you can find on the website as well. Smaller items are not listed there, but the UCSA board members are more than happy to help looking for what you need if you come by during office hours!
Yes you can! Fraternities and Sororities in town usually recruit new members during the UIT-week, the UU introduction week. There are many different associations in town that all serve different interests. For more information, go to
https://utrechtstudentenstad.nl/nl/studeren/studentenverenigingen or check our ‘associations in town’ page!