UCU’s very own screening committee
We are CinematiCo and as the name suggests we are obsessed with films and everything film related. Through organising screenings, both on campus and off, we hope to share our love of cinema with all of UCU. Our screenings are a chill place to wind down, have some (free!) popcorn, watch your favourite movie or watch something that you have never even heard of before. We try to be as diverse as possible in our selection and choose films that you will definitely enjoy.
Are you a committee wanting to collaborate? Feel free to contact us via Facebook, email or Instagram. We are totally up for collabs and excited to hear your ideas! If you are not in a committee and are just an independent moviebuff, don’t hesitate to shoot us a message or reach out to us in person. We would love to talk cinema with you, give you movie recommendations or hear your pitch for a particular screening.
Check out our Facebook and Instagram for more details on any upcoming events, and we hope to see you soon at one of our screenings!