UC Student Council

The UC Student Council

The University College Student Council, UC Student Council, is UCU’s elected student body that represents student interest in all academic and governmental matters. The six members that form the Student Council work together with students, teachers and staff members of ‘College Hall’ in order to improve the liberal arts and sciences education from a student’s perspective. The Student Council is dependent on student involvement in this process thereby holding a range of different research activities; from small-scale discussion groups (focus groups) to large-scale student opinion surveys. UC Student Council also functions as an open source of information for students and facilitates them in their initiatives.

The UC Student Council holds an official position within College Hall, the management of UCU. The Student Council has 4 seats in the University College Utrecht Council (UCUC), UCU’s co decision-making, advisory body, together with 4 faculty members. These four seats are filled by the Chair, Secretary and two Academic Affairs Officers of the Student Council. It works with the Dean, Director of Education and the Managing Director of UCU policy, such as budget proposals, as well as providing them with advice and consent to changes in the academic rules and regulations. The UC Student Council also has two student representatives on the Board of Studies, giving student input on the way our curriculum is structured. These two student positions are filled by the third Academic Affairs Officer and the Student Assessor. And finally, one Student Council member (the Student Assessor) is part of the Management Team at UCU, giving their perspective on the daily running of the college. More information about the governing structure of UCU can be find in the supporting bodies section.

Along with these official positions, the Student Council also holds a strong connection with the clusters. The Academic Affairs Officers work with the cluster chairs, fellows and student representatives of tracks in order to improve individual classes and tracks.

Above all, the UC Student Council holds the positions and determination to better this University College, all we need is student involvement and support to make a change. You are always welcome to reach out to any one of us, coming to office hours, or emailing the Student Council (at ucu.studentcouncil@uu.nl). For more information check out our website: www.ucstudentcouncil.com

University College Student Council Board Members

Violeta Bagazgoitia



Laurens van Hofslot

Student Assessor


Doortje Koldeweij



Muriel Owen



Karsten Heebing



Eugenie Vuillefroy de Silly

